Day II
Day II
Day II
Day II

Day II

Regular price $119.95
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This is our signature wildlife "set it and forget it" feeder. You will never have to "adjust " the feeder with time changes. This feeder transforms almost any hopper into a precision automatic feeder. (See Control Boards for picture of the Controller).

  • Heavy-duty, military grade USA made wildlife mechanism and timer.
  • Microprocessor controlled Smart Feeder.
  • Simple programming via 24 miniature DIP switches.
  • Feeds from 1 to 16 times per day at 1 hour intervals.
  • Automatically updates feeding times due to changes in length of day.
  • Motor run time adjustable from 2 to 62 seconds.
  • Five motor speeds.
  • External and Internal test buttons with 10 second delay.
  • Requires 6 volt spring top lantern battery.
  • Battery installation is Plug & Play, no wires to attach.

Included with your purchase:

  • 5 Year Warranty 
  • Funnel and Hardware Kit
  • USA made timer

Not included: 6 Volt lantern battery

Installation Video

Program Day II.m4v

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Day II Feeder

I bought a Day II feeder probably close to 25 years ago and mounted it on a 55 gallon drum, it holds 8 bags of corn, this feeder has been in continuous use since I bought it, I set it 25 years ago to feed 30 minutes after sunrise and 30 minutes before sunset, haven't adjusted it since, I did oil the motor a couple of years ago when it got a little noisy, don't get quality like that anymore.

Robert Servia

Can't review. Not installed yet.

Mark Lubianski

I have used game country feeders for 20+ years. They by far are the finest feeders on the market and the easiest to use. They last almost forever. If it were not for cows and lousy lids on feeders I would not have had to replace any feeders at all.


Day ll is great. I have had much success with it. No worry about having to change clock, just set it according to sunrise/sunset.

Clay Coffman
Game Country Day II

I am more than pleased. I have been using a Game Country feeder for a couple of years. It has worked flawlessly. So I ordered two more and both of them have been working perfectly.
At first I was intimated by the settings, but they are actually easy instructions to follow
I love the fact they follow the length of day and I never have to adjust as days get shorter or longer

Thank you for the great product.

Clay Coffman